Save the date: August 2,2020. 8pm (Eastern Standard Time). WSC Streaming series. 

Hello all. My name is Ricardo Murillo from Cali,Colombia. Along with my partner Viviana Vargas we were the 1st crowned WSC Champion in the Cabaret Division. I cordially invite you to celebrate our 15th Anniversary. Together we are going to relive the memories of one of the most important moments in my live when me and my partner Viviana, were crowned as champions. In addition you can book a live class with me by clicking the option  ticket level #2 below.

Reverva la fecha: 2 de Agosto,2020. 8pm (Hora de este).Hola a todos. Mi nombre es Ricardo Murillo. Junto a mi pareja Viviana Vargas fuimos los primeros Campeónes de la WSC en la División Cabaret. Los invito cordialmente a celebrar nuestro15to Aniversario. Juntos vamos a revivir las memorias de uno de los momentos más importantes de mi vida cuando junto a mi pareja Viviana ganamos el campeonato. En adicion los invito a tomar una clase conmigo seleccionando la opcion de boleto #2 (ver abajo).

Save the date for our next streamings:

Hola, les saluda Viviana Vargas. Es para mi una gran emocion invitarlos a revivir este gran momento en el cual junto a Ricardo nos coronamos como los primeros campeones en la novel categoria Cabaret. Gracias a este maraviloso logro he recorrido mas de 30 paises llevando el ritmo de salsa . Es como un sueño realizado como bailarina, instructora, coreografa, protagonista de varios montajes,actriz de cine, emprendedora cultural y directora de escuela. Los invito para este Domingo 2 de Agosto a celebrar una vez mas este logro y ver la transmision de ESPN.

Hello, my name is Viviana Vargas. It is a great thrill for me to invite you to relive this great moment in which together with Ricardo we are crowned as the first champions in the novel category Cabaret. Thanks to this wonderful achievement I have traveled more than 30 countries carrying the rhythm of salsa. It is like a dream realized as a dancer, instructor, choreographer, protagonist of several montages, film actress, cultural entrepreneur and school principal. I invite you for this Sunday, August 2nd, to celebrate this achievement once again and watch the ESPN broadcast.


Ticket Level One

One hour streaming of the show as seen on ESPN. Without commercial interruption. No worries if you can not make it that day, you will have 90 extra days to watch it.


Ticket Level Two

One hour streaming of the show as seen on ESPN. Without commercial interruption. Bonus: Includes : One hour class with WSC Champions Ricardo Murillo or Viviana Vargas.



Donate whatever you want. There is no doubt that the dance industry has been one of the more affected during these tough times. Click here to donate to the Alumni 15th Anniversary Fund . If you donate $15 or more, your name will be included in the list of donors and will be entered in the drawing of the 15th anniversary event.

Total: $0.00

WSC 15th Anniversary Merchandise

  • WSC Hat

    WSC Hat

    Official Fedora Hat

    $15.00 ea.

  • WSC15th Anniversary Collection

    WSC15th Anniversary Collection

    Collectors item. A must have collection. 15 hours of content covering the WSC since 2005.Watch all the WSC episodes as seen on ESPN. This classic collection contains 15 hours of all the shows since the inception of the championships in 2005. Once purchased you will receive instructions to download right after the streaming.

    $15.00 ea.

  • WSC T Shirt

    WSC T Shirt

    Official T shirt

    $15.00 ea.

Learn with the Champions

  • OnLine Class with Ricardo Murillo

    OnLine Class with Ricardo Murillo

    Learn Salsa Calena with WSC Champion Ricardo Murillo. 40 minutes class.

    $15.00 ea.

  • Online class with Viviana Vargas

    Online class with Viviana Vargas

    Learn Salsa Calena with WSC Champion Viviana Vargas. 40 minutes class.

    $15.00 ea.

For more merchandise check :

For more merchandise visit: htttps://

Billing Information

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  • American Express
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