WSC- Streaming Series
August 16,2020. 8pm EST
Las Vegas 2005 (On-1 Competitions-1 hour show)
The ESPN World Salsa Championships is an international dance competition that has received worldwide television exposure. This “best of the best” event incorporates true international competition, color and flavor and presents an extremely talented group of athletes from incredibly diverse ethnic and socio-economic 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of this event. We welcome you to relive the memories while supporting the dancing community. Part of the proceeds of this transmission and dance classes will be distributed within the WSC Alumni.
Guardar la fecha: 16 de agosto de 2020. 8pm EST. Serie WSC Streaming.
El ESPN World Salsa Championships es un concurso internacional de baile que ha recibido exposición televisiva mundial. Este evento "lo mejor de lo mejor" incorpora la verdadera competición internacional, color y sabor y presenta a un grupo de atletas extremadamente talentosos de increíblemente diversos étnicos y socioeconómicos. 2020 marca el 15to aniversario de este evento. Le damos la bienvenida a revivir los recuerdos mientras apoya a la comunidad de baile. Parte de los ingresos de estas transmisiónes y clases baile se distribuirán dentro de los Alumnos de WSC.
One hour streaming of the show as seen on ESPN. Without commercial interruption.
One hour streaming of the show as seen on ESPN. Without commercial interruption. Bonus: Includes : One hour class with one of our champions from the WSC Alumni Faculty.
Donate whatever you want. There is no doubt that the dance industry has been one of the more affected during these tough times. Click here to donate to the Alumni 15th Anniversary Fund . If you donate $15 or more, your name will be included in the list of donors and will be entered in the drawing of the 15th anniversary event.
Official Fedora Hat
WSC Anniversary video collection
Collectors item. A must have collection. 15 hours of content covering the WSC since 2005.Watch all the WSC episodes as seen on ESPN. This classic collection contains 15 hours of all the shows since the inception of the championships in 2005. Once purchased you will receive instructions to download right after the streaming.
WSC T Shirt
Official T shirt
Online class with our Champions
On Line class with 3x WSC Champion Abel Pena.
For more merchandise visit: htttps://